And why?

Maintaining contact with the people I love (or maybe just like) will be difficult around the world. Here, if you desire, you will find my hardships and triumphs documented at my discretion for you all to see. I hope to have a few laughs, less tears and some mighty fine stories by the time I am done.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pictures and a backwards movie

Link to the Venice photos

My Venice video is on my youtube channel. Just search jwaldsm2, if it doesn't work, let me know.


  1. Hey Julia, your venice video isn't up! Shoot!

  2. Hey! Video is up now, and workin, just so ya know

  3. "And somebodies skiing, and fall in the water and it's gross! And their skiing and, oh! the Piazzo! And the man on the horse!!" favorite line
