And why?

Maintaining contact with the people I love (or maybe just like) will be difficult around the world. Here, if you desire, you will find my hardships and triumphs documented at my discretion for you all to see. I hope to have a few laughs, less tears and some mighty fine stories by the time I am done.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday morning

There is a certain advantage to living in Bologna over Rockford. Wherever you live stops becoming a novelty after a while when you stop looking up and noticing new things. It doesn't take too long, maybe a few weeks. There is certainly plenty to do in Bologna that I haven't done but now it is my home base so I don't consider it so much when I decide to take a bit of time to explore. Rockford, similarly, has things to do. That list of things has been exhausted over my years of teenage wanderings. Using Bologna as a home base serves as an excelent hub to travel elsewhere without much effort. Rockford could do this as well, if you were interested in traveling to Freeport, Roscoe, DeKalb, Shirland, Belvidere...
This Friday a friend and I took a day trip to Ravenna. It isn't anything super special, but Dante is camped there and there are lots of mosaics. Mostly it is a good opportunity to spend the time somewhere else and just walk for a day. The detail is really astounding and the rocks are great. Those old Italians really had a taste for the beauty of rocks. These little excursions are not geology field trips, but I can't help but notice and I tend to take pictures of columns with maybe a pencil for scale.
Yesterday I spent most of my time in my room trying to read this history book in Italian. That stuff is hard enough to read in english. After all that sitting, I am really craving to do something so I might make a plan for Sicily. Pipe dreams maybe, but it should be warmer down there and I heard they are predicting snow here for tomorrow.

More pictures on Photobucket and a new video for youtube as well :)

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