And why?

Maintaining contact with the people I love (or maybe just like) will be difficult around the world. Here, if you desire, you will find my hardships and triumphs documented at my discretion for you all to see. I hope to have a few laughs, less tears and some mighty fine stories by the time I am done.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hiccups, of the vocabulary variety

Being a home body, I am quite satisfied with my decision earlier this week to stay in Bologna rather than travel. First reason, I made oatmeal raisin cookies. It is great to bake here because it is very much in line with my "precision doesn't matter" attitude. The Quaker(tm) oatmean raisin cookie recipe does not specify that the butter should be Land o' Lakes, so I enjoyed using Trentino Alto-Adige. My egg was brown with a red yolk. Not white with a yello one. My dough had a strangely orange hue as a result. For cookies, that is fine, but scrambled eggs could be weird. Well, they turned out and I ate my full of dough which was the goal in the first place. On to reason number two. I practice speaking Italian while grocery shopping in an Italian version of Walmart than I do in Vienna with another American. My vocabulary is improving everyday because I am doing my very darndest to practice saying things, even if I don't know how to.

At the Tibetan stuff store...
In my head I say "Is this a necklace" (collana)
In reality I say "Is this a hill" (collina)

Trying to describe a raisin (for the cookies)
In my head I say "It is a dried grape" (uva)
In reality I say "It is a dried egg" (uovo)

At the dinner table
In my head I say "Is it common to boil cabbage for dinner?" (cavolo)
In reality I say "Is it common to boil horse for dinner?" (cavallo)

Third reason. For dinner tonight, we had four different types of cheese.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed till I cried. That is soooo easy to do! I'm sure we have those same close-cousin words in English, but your particular choices to make mistakes in were really funny. Good for you for trying! You have always gotten an "A" in persistence.
