And why?

Maintaining contact with the people I love (or maybe just like) will be difficult around the world. Here, if you desire, you will find my hardships and triumphs documented at my discretion for you all to see. I hope to have a few laughs, less tears and some mighty fine stories by the time I am done.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Suitcases and travel size zhampoo

Today was a day of meticulous organizing, hasty tossing and errands. There is still more packing to complete for tomorrow, but with three suitcases, a backpack and a pile of extraneous necessities I can't be too disappointed with my progress. Everything is so bittersweet. Going to new places is what I always want to do, but leaving some of my favorites behind is never what I prefer. Packing serves as a wonderful distraction though to clear the mind. So much thought about what shoes will make the cut overrides the pain of an achy heart if only for a while. If only my Skype account would work just right. Being able to see a person is just brilliant compared to hearing only a voice and choppy images and dropped calls don't really suffice. While still home, I hope to make the best of it. Mom says she will make anything I want for dinner tomorrow, and of all the wonderful things she makes, I still sort of just want her to make pancakes. It isn't like pancakes are the most wonderful food or anything, they just make me feel good inside, like how a Saturday morning with the family feels good inside. Perhaps it is some sort of Pavlovian response I have to pancake batter. Bisquick = Happy family thoughts. Perhaps not. That theory will never get published anyhow.

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